Website Maintenance

website management

Website maintenance is the simple act of regularly checking your website for problems and then making sure that everything is up to date and relevant.

You need to do this consistently in order to ensure that the website remains updated, safe, and secure. This encourages growth in traffic and boosts your SEO and rankings on Google.

Whether you are a big company, an individual, or a small business owner, it is imperative to keep your website up to date.

This allows you to engage and interact with consumers and potential visitors on your site and prevents major problems on your site.

What is included in Website Maintenance Service:

  • Check whether the pages on your website load up quickly and don’t display any errors;
  • Run a backup to ensure that the data on your website remains safe;
  • Update the software and plugins you are using on your site;
  • Check all the forms to ensure that they are running without a hitch;
  • Remove spam comments from posts or pages on your site;
  • Check the pages to ensure that there aren’t any broken links;
  • Look for 404 errors on your website and fix them;
  • Update your blog to engage your community and keep them coming back.
  • Manage their hosting accounts and make sure everything is going smoothly.
website hosting
What are website maintenance services?

Website maintenance services include all activities for keeping a close eye on the website issues and fixing them as they are discovered. The idea is to make sure the website remains functional without any loss in user experience and/or downtime.

How much does website maintenance cost?

The cost of website maintenance is dependent upon the platform and complexity of the website. In general, the hourly rate for website maintenance could range from €50 to €100, depending upon the number of pages, the integrated tools and components, and the level of support required by the website owner.